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 Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas

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Posts : 54
Join date : 2010-03-09
Age : 33
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Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Empty
PostSubject: Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas   Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Icon_minitimeSun Mar 21, 2010 4:27 pm

He comes with a little bit of art, which I am contacting the artists for.

His ref, ©️ Xie/Casanova. I do have permission to sell this reference.

Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas PabloRef

He is a Mexican Wolf, and a traveler. His bandana can be used to store various things, though he usually wears it.


Bust shot by Takatia: Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas V3karm
Pose from Pladywolf: Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas PabloR-1
Pixel from Risk: Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Redpablopixel

Going to be an auction.

Auction price starts at 3.50 $/delta. Please increase by .50. Please tell me at the end of the bid if you are paying in deltas/money.

PLEASE only bid if you are serious Neutral

End Date: None yet.


He comes with one pose. Yes I do have permission to sell.

Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Crossicascopy (C) Me lol old art.

He's actually a personal species I made up.

This one is a wood spirit Crossicas. Their build is similar to a bear, with strong legs with scales. They have 'wings' that are different, depending on their element. This one is Wood, so he has wooden wings, with leaves on him.

He stands about 12 ft on his fours.

Pose by Snowy Wolf: Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Crossicaslargr

Auction price starts at 5.00 $/delta. Please increase by .50. Please tell me at the end of the bid if you are paying in deltas/money.

PLEASE only bid if you are serious Neutral

SilverSkyWolf- 5.00
End Date: None yet.

[size=150]All deltas go to Caterpie.[/size]

This one is a female Xykorit, a closed species of mine. The previous owner did not want her anymore, and now she is up for bid. If you get her, PLEASE use her. I can NOT stress her enough. My characters aren't just 'cool pieces of art to own'. All of my characters have a little bit of my soul in them. This one is no different.

Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas The_Unnamed_Xykorit_by_Glasieren (C) Me, not free.

Comes with:

Roll Over
And one more full custom if she is bought.

All (C) Me.

Starting bid: 5.50. Please increase by .50

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Posts : 54
Join date : 2010-03-09
Age : 33
Location : Nowhere near you.

Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas   Auctioning Pablo/Crossicas Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 7:03 am

Bump. New character.
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