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 Kahira's Characters

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Art Beta
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Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-03-07
Age : 31
Location : Missoula, MT

Kahira's Characters Empty
PostSubject: Kahira's Characters   Kahira's Characters Icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 2:53 pm

WARNING: These are subject to change. Those who know me will get this... (I change my refrences a LOT)

Female/ She's pretty serious though on occasion will smile and laugh. She picks her friends carefully.

Un-named and un-finished
Female/Norther Mockingbird/ She's an assassin and VERY serious.

Male/ He's a goof-ball. Always has some dopey look on his face and always doing something stupid and/or hilarious. Don't underestimate his abilities, you'll be on the ground peeing your pants in seconds.

Female/My main, I seem to change her the most/ personality on the ref.

Male/ Usually very depressed, sad, and lonely.

Male/ Gay <3
(Don't dis on Les., gays, and bi's around me I will flip shit on your ass. You do NOT want that to happen. You have been warned)

Dragon/ Fire Element/ He's a very calm dragon, he's a mystic

Male, he REALLY needs a change. I need to get off my lazy butt and make him a refrence. He also needs a personality.. so far I've given him the idea of a demon.

lol! <--reminds me of goku (cus of the hair) off of D.B.Z. (yes I used to watch that show)
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