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  Willing to help.

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Posts : 75
Join date : 2010-05-17

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PostSubject: Willing to help.    Willing to help. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 3:03 am

I've been looking around the site and what I noticed is with the staff application I didn't see one. Now I'm not going to try out because I am already stuff on another chat in the making so it wouldn't be fair. But I'm be happy to be a self employed helper since I've been on and around chat sites for a while and I know what I'm doing with certain things. Now I can make a staff application, I did on Mystic Eclipse where I happen to be on staff right now, I'm head of chat staff. I made the that one so I could make one for here as well, I also made the general FAQ and the art staff FAQ for Mystic Eclipse as well. So I could bring a few things to the site just to help out, so let me know and I'll get started.

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