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 TWILIGHT FANS ECLIPSE question?!?!?!?

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Join date : 2010-05-17

TWILIGHT FANS ECLIPSE question?!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: TWILIGHT FANS ECLIPSE question?!?!?!?   TWILIGHT FANS ECLIPSE question?!?!?!? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 9:53 pm

Hi, so if you remember with new moon summit released a few new moon scenes, if they decided to release the meadow scene of edward and bella in eclipse would you still watch it or would you wait for eclipse? I would just wait for he movie to come out because i wouldnt want to spoil it D: (heres the pic if u dont know what i mean but you probs do…

2) What song do you pefere Twilight soundtrack leading song - Decode or Eclipses soundtrack leading song -Neutron Star Collision ???

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